We do something that creates memories and brings children together around a common theme. It can be about our ecosystem, peacebuilding, about health or personal issues, such as grief and loss of loved ones, being bullied or having big and small fears, or talking about injustice.


Children's yoga is a good way for kids to learn about their bodies, minds and all their potential. Kids who practise yoga can develop the tools and discipline to experience optimal health, well-being and inner peace. Children's yoga is a playful gathering without competition. That's important. The combination of yoga postures, breathing, and relaxation has a positive effect on the child's mind and soul.  

Ringing bells, playing crazy monkey tricks, telling stories, making art, tickling toes massage and playing honeybee, a calming breathing exercise. Emotions and incentives can flow freely. All is possible in child's fantasy.

Children receive many benefits from child yoga.

The benefits of yoga Asana for kids include a sense of well-being, improved mind-body connection, and a healthy lifestyle. We always taught child yoga in a way that children could understand and enjoy, and we made it non-competitive.

Doing yoga at an early age can help them learn healthy lifestyle routines and set the foundation for a healthy future. It helps them strengthen their bodies as well as their minds.

  • A child who practices yoga, and mindfulness, will be developing elementary skills better.

  • Children find out the beauty in their deepest selves and learn to cherish it.


Talk about grass, soil, and worms in a comforting pose.

Caring for the planet.

Our Little Diamond, attaches great importance to developing ecological awareness. “Learned when young is done when old” is an appropriate saying in this context.
Valuable knowledge about the wonders of planet Earth and its unique ecosystem strengthens or/and rebuilds the relationship between children and nature. Our yoga workshops offer a great recipe that leads to more consciousness and appreciation for all life on this planet. Caring for the earth and its residents is inherent to yoga philosophic.

Benefits that lead to better health and vitality.

Yoga improves flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. It increases concentration and learns to relax through breathing. By letting children and young people experience yoga, they connect with their deeper self and their natural being.

⦁ Promotes body awareness.

⦁ Improves balance of all kinds.

⦁ Builds physical strength by encouraging children to
   use muscles in new ways.

⦁ Children learn how to maximize their mobility.

⦁ Develop coordination.

⦁ Improves internal health.

Yoga is non-competitive.

⦁ Encourages imagination and creativity.

⦁ It helps build self-esteem and confidence.

⦁ Increases concentration and focus.

⦁ Listening skills.

⦁ The ability to focus the mind.

⦁ Improve concentration.⦁ It is calming and reduces stress.
⦁ Fun and  laughter,

Pearls of wisdom

Yoga poses are just physical exercises, but when you adopt the philosophy of yoga, you really change yourself. The added value of yoga will be significant for those who practice. 

Yoga is a dharmic tradition that focuses on universal values such as non-violence, peace and compassion. The yoga sutras written by Patanjali are the roots of our children's yoga. Those ancient texts discuss social and personal rules called the "Yamas and Niyamas." According to Patanjali, these two pillars are the foundations on which yoga is built.

Buddhism, as we know it today, was known in ancient times as Dhamma-Vinaya." Dhamma is the same as Dharma in Sanskrit, and Vinaya is the ethical code of the Buddha. These include advice about how to be a good person and calls for teaching wisdom, good insight, and good intentions.

Generation after generation, these pearls of wisdom were memorized and told to others by monks. LateLater, around 30 BC, Buddhist monks wrote down the recitations on ola leaves in the cave of Aloka in Sri Lanka. The Pali Canon is intended to help humanity towards healthy and peaceful societies.

It would surprise the old monks, sadhus and seers how we save our knowledge in megabytes and how cell phones have changed how we communicate today.

The digital age has connected us across the globe. Children grow up in this technological wonder world where they can talk to people on the other side of the planet in a flash.  

Kids love their mobile phones. And be honest! Smart devices can be used to learn many things. We use face-to-face communication with children from other countries and continents at the yoga gathering. These spontaneous conversations promote the use of the internet positively.

Introducing the benefits of early childhood education through children's yoga.